Public Notice – 2024/25 DRAFT IDP/BUDGET ADOPTION
Notice is hereby given in terms of the Municipal Systems Act (32 of 2000) Section 21 and Municipal Finance
Management Act (56 of 2003) Section 22 that Polokwane Municipality Council has adopted the 2024/25
Draft IDP/Budget on the 27 March 2024.
Community members are invited to make comments and inputs on the 2024/25 Draft IDP and Budget. The
draft IDP and Budget can be accessed through the municipal website:
Comments period is open from 28 March 2024 – 24 April 2024.
Copies of the 2024/25 Draft IDP/Budget will be available for public at the following areas for Viewing: i.e.

For more information please contact: Mr. Victor Nengovhela or Ms. Tebogo Mathe on (015) 290 2231 / 2284
or email: or for further enquiries.
Ms. Thuso Nemugumoni
Municipal Manager